December 17, 2014
Dear Friends: After 3 months and 30 events, Medic Against Bomb book launch is completed! We will continue events at end-JAN 2015, and go on through the year, to spread the message of healing arts for Warriors and Vets!
The book is winning a growing list of honors and awards. Check the “Honors” tab to view these.
December also saw the launch of the Warrior Arts Café at Alfio’s Restaurant, 4515 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD. Two Wednesday evenings a month, Alfio’s will provide a warm and friendly haven for Warrior and Veteran artists (and their families and friends)of all disciplines. Featured performances begin at 6.30 p.m. and are followed by an open mike. Hope to see you at Alfio’s on WED 21 JAN and WED 28 JAN, the opening events for 2015.
The Warrior Arts Café is the first of a projected statewide network of arts and garden projects for Veterans, to be propagated across Maryland in 2015-16.
Happy holidays to all! Peace, Fred