About the Author
I’m a retired U.S. Navy physician with 29 years’ service. I live in Bethesda, MD. For the past 15 years, I’ve worked to create holistic medicine programs (including arts and writing programs) for our nation’s Wounded Warriors and Veterans. My poems have appeared widely in national magazines, such as Commonweal, The Journal of the American Medical Association, and The Progressive, as well as well as Veterans’ publications such as Warrior Writers’ After Action Review. I’m also director of the Warrior Poetry Project, Bethesda, MD, poetry editor of O-Dark-Thirty (the magazine of the Veterans Writing Project), and project manager for the Green Road, a $3 million, ½ mile long healing garden for Wounded Warriors in Bethesda. I am also active on Facebook and Twitter. My personal website is www.frederickfoote.com; my email is [email protected].